AASCU-CCIEE Sino-American Cooperation on Higher Education and Professional Development (CHEPD)
____________University (____中方大学)
_____________University (__________美方大学)
WHEREAS both parties are institutions of higher education dedicated to providing meaningful and diverse educational experiences for their students;
WHEREAS Undergraduate Transfer Program will strengthen the educational experiences of the participating students and aid in the development of their academic skills; and
NOW, THEREFORE, ___________University ( Party B) and ________ University ( Party A), enter into this Agreement to implement an Undergraduate Transfer Program between the two institutions. The parties agree to the following:
I. Definition of Undergraduate Transfer Program
The above-mentioned-parties have agreed upon the following definition of the Undergraduate Transfer Program under the essential prerequisite of mutual credit acceptance and transfer.
1. After completing the first year of study in China, Chinese students will travel to the United States to complete an undergraduate degree program at one of the United States partner university.
2. In the final year of the program, students will return to China to finish their senior year at the Chinese partner university. Students completing all requirements of both institution’s bachelor’s programs will be granted bachelors degrees from each institution (the United States partner university and the Chinese partner university).
3. All Undergraduate Transfer Program academic decisions are to be made solely between the United States partner university and the Chinese partner university based on their respective academic catalogs and established protocols.
1. 学生在甲方完成大一学业,赴美在乙方学习本科学位课程;
2. 学生于计划最后一年返回甲方完成大四学业,合格的学生可获得双方大学的毕业证书及学士学位证书;
3. 根据各自的学术课程目录以及校规, 所有有关该项目的学术课程由乙方和甲方协商确定。
II. General Clauses
1. Party B is accredited by the ________________________________________________Association of Colleges and Schools’ Commission on Colleges (XXXXX美方认证机构) to award degrees at the baccalaureate and masters levels. Party A is not accredited by the Commission Colleges and the accreditation of Party B does not extend to or include Party A or its students. Although Party B accepts certain course work in transfer toward a credential from Party A, or collaborates in other ways for generation of course credits or program credentials, other colleges and universities may or may not accept this work in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from Party B . This decision is made by the institution subsequently considering the possibility of accepting such credits.
2. Although Party A accepts certain course work in transfer toward a credential from Party B, or collaborates in other ways for generation of course credits or program credentials, other colleges and universities may or may not accept this work in transfer, even if it appears on a transcript from Party A. This decision is made by the institution subsequently considering the possibility of accepting such credits.
3. Both Party B and Party A are free to make reference to the arrangements for this program, and to use the other university’s name in conjunction therewith. However, any published use of the partner universitys name, trademark, or logo must be submitted to the partner university for review prior to publication. Requests for review may include but are not limited to printed or electronic media. Review must be completed by the partner within thirty (30) working days of such request.
1. 乙方是美国区域认证机构(________________________________________________美方认证机构名称)官方认可的学校可授予副学士学位、学士学位、硕士学位、博士学位。甲方不在该委员会官员认可学校范围内,乙方的课程认证不包括甲方及其学生。乙方接受甲方进行特定课程学分转换,在通识课程和相互信任项目中以其他方式合作。但是不保证其他院校认可学分转换后成绩单。该决定是在考虑到承认学分可能性后由乙方做出的决定。
3. 乙方和甲方均有权为该项目提供参考意见,并且在参考意见中提及对方名称。然而,任何以出版为目的的使用对方大学名称、商标或者其他标志的行为,必须在出版前呈递对方院校审阅。审阅资料可使用打印或电传等方式。对方院校必须在30个工作日内做出答复。
III. Major Responsibilities of the Chinese Partner University(Party A):
1. Party A shall recruit students on their campus according to the annual recruitment plan of the undergraduate transfer program.
2. Party A shall work with CCIEE to select students for the program.
3. Students CCIEE selects for participation in the Undergraduate Transfer Program must submit an application for admission to Party B in a format acceptable to Party B. For each student intending to apply to Party B as part of the Undergraduate Transfer Program, Party A shall provide Party B an appropriately verified copy of the student’s graduate certificate (Gaozhong Biye Zheng), which reflects the equivalent of high school graduation from a college preparatory program in the U.S. This documentation will be accepted in lieu of an international evaluation of the high school graduation credit.
4. Party A shall articulate the curriculum with Party B and design an education program that will provide students with relevant curricula during their study in China.
5. Party A shall provide Party B with transcripts of students academic work at the completion of the first and final year in China, and shall have a completion plan of courses, textbooks and teaching curriculum for the proposed degrees sought by students.
6. Party A shall provide necessary courses for students to complete their first and last years of study in a timely and convenient manner to insure that students will complete the proposed degree program.
7. Upon approval of the course plan, Party A shall not make substantial changes in any or all of the courses in the program.
8. Party A shall recruit and examine students based on the recruitment standards.
9. Party A shall check the students family financial background to prove the parents are the only source of financial support to the student (such as a bank statement showing deposits and withdrawals for at least a six-month period).
10. Party A shall assist students who have already received their visas to send tuition and related fees to Party B.
11. Party A shall grant each student a Chinese Diploma and Bachelor’s degree when course work is satisfactorily completed in China.
1. 根据《本科生转学项目》的招生计划,在本校进行招生工作;
2. 与中教国际教育交流中心共同对报名学生进行录取工作;
3. 中教国际教育交流中心对报名学生进行录取时,须要求学生以乙方规定方式向乙方进行申请,并且提供高中毕业证书(代替国际高等教育认证书)。中心对毕业证进行评估;
4. 向乙方仔细说明课程设置,并拟定教学计划,为学生在中国学习提供相关课程;
5. 向乙方提供学生大一、大四的成绩,并且包括学生所修学位的课程、教科书、教学课程的完整计划;
6. 学生大一、大四提供必要课程,保证学生能够完成预定学位项目;
7. 一旦对课程计划达成共识,甲方不能对项目内课程进行修改;
8. 根据招生标准对学生招生和审查;
9. 负责了解并证明报名学生的父母是学生的唯一经济资助者(如过去6个月的银行收支证明);
10. 协助安排已经获得签证的学生向乙方邮寄学费和相关费用;
11. 当学生在中国完成全部课程后,向合格学生颁发中方大学毕业证书和双学位证书;
IV. Major Responsibilities of AASCU Member Partner University (Party B)
1. Party B shall inform Party A as to the curriculum in place at Party B for the various degree options. Any changes to the curriculum completed during annual reviews will be communicated to Party A.
2. Party B shall provide to Party A., with each student’s approval, transcripts of students academic work at the completion of the program of study at Party B.
3. Party B shall provide necessary courses for students to achieve English proficiency in order to complete their Party B program of study in a timely and convenient manner. The Party B credential requires successful completion of all Party B program requirements. It may take students longer than two years to successfully complete the Party B requirements articulated in the program of study.
4. Upon approval of an individual student’s course plan, Party B shall not make substantial changes in any or all of the courses in the student’s plan of study.
5. English will be the language of instruction in all courses offered by Party B.
6. Party B shall make all decisions regarding admission to Party B programs. Party B shall determine the student’s academic enrollment based upon timely provision of all items articulated in the individual student’s conditional offer of admission to Party B, which includes but may not be limited to an acceptable score on a TOEFL test completed after the student’s arrival on campus; completion of an approved U.S. college entrance exam; and submission of an essay. Party B shall issue a conditional offer of admission and a visa form (DS-2019) to qualified students.
7. Party B shall collect the tuition and related fees from participating students for the period of Party B study, plus any additional coursework required to attain English proficiency.
8. All aspects of the Party B degree program must comply with applicable university, accreditation, and legal requirements.
9. Specific program dates, deadlines, costs, and any other specific logistical matters pertaining to Undergraduate Transfer Program implementation will be separately provided by Party B and are subject to change.
10. Party B s representative shall go to China with AASCU’s representative for the interview of students who are applying for the 1+2+1 Program。 CCIEE will pay all the expenses in China for Party B (excluding international airfare).
11. Party B’s representative shall work with AASCU’s representative to coordinate and provide the US Embassy in China all documentation necessary in the student interview process and to assist students in preparation of their documentation for the visa interview process.
12. Party B shall inform Party A, with each student’s approval, of the adjustment, progress and success of students during their study in the United States.
13. Party B shall grant each student the U.S. Diploma and Bachelor’s degree when the course work is satisfactorily completed in the U.S. and China.
1. 通知甲方在乙方提供的课程选项,课程异动与课程衔接,并及时更新;
2. 向甲方提供学生在乙方就读期间的成绩单以及课程完成情况报告;
3. 为学生提供相关的必要英语课程,使学生能够按照良好地完成在乙方的课程。按时完成乙方的课程才能获得乙方相关证书。如不能按时完成学业,学生可能需要延期完成学业;
4. 一旦学生课程计划确后,乙方不能对其进行改动;
5. 乙方提供全英语教学;
6. 根据学生给乙方提供的入学申请决定是否登记入册,学生申请条件包括TOEFL,成绩,美国大学生入学考试,论文,但并不限于以上条件。乙方向合格的学生颁发录取通知书和签证表格(DS-2019);
7. 负责收取学生在美方大学的费用以及英语水平培训费用;
8. 所有乙方的学位项目遵守普通大学认证和法律要求;
9. 乙方明确落实《本科生交换项目》起止时间、花费和后勤事宜,不轻易更改;
10. 乙方代表与美国州立大学与学院协会代表一起来中国,对申请《本科生交换项目》的学生进行面试,中教国际教育交流中心支付美方大学代表在中国境内的所有费用(不包括国际机票);
11. 乙方代表与协会代表协调向美国驻华使馆提供面试所需文件,同时协助学生准备签证面试时所学的资料;
12. 在学生同意的前提下,向甲方通报学生在美学习的时间课程调整、进程和结业情况;
13. 在完成中美双方大学的全部课程后,向合格学生颁发美方大学学士学位;
V. Renewal, Termination, and Amendment
1. In the implementation of Undergraduate Transfer Program, if any issues that are not stated here arise, the two parties shall solve them through mutual understanding and discussion.
2. This agreement is written in both Chinese and English with the same legal force. Original signed documents in English and Chinese shall be signed and retained by Party A, Party B, CCIEE, and AASCU.
3.This agreement will become effective when signed by the representatives of the two parties and be valid until and renewable unless terminated earlier by at least one party. Assuming renewal of the Sino-American Undergraduate Transfer Program, this agreement may be renewed or amended at any time before its actual expiration date by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of both parties. This agreement may be terminated by the appropriate authority of either party given two months’ prior written notice to the other party.
五、 更新、终止和修订
1. 在实施《本科生交换项目》过程中,如果出现本协议中没有涉及的问题,双方应本着友好协商的原则解决;
2. 本协议用中英文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。本协议由甲乙双方共同签署。甲乙双方、中教国际教育交流中心(CCIEE)和美国州立大学与学院协会(AASCU)各自保存一份;
3. 本协议自双方代表签字之日起生效,有效期至 。 在此之前,除非至少一方要求提前终止,否则协议继续生效。 如《本科生交换项目》更新,本协议将在实际截止日期前由甲乙双方授权代表签署书面文件进行更新和修改。若一方终止文件,此方需提前两个月以书面形式通知另一方。
Signature: Date: __________________________
代表签字 日期: 年 月 日
Signature: Date: ___________________________
代表签字 日期: 年 月 日